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Rating: 60 votes Average rating: 3.0
Author: Metamorpheus, posted on 1/16/2012, in category "Health & Fitness"
Views: this blog has been read 4295 times     Languages:
Abstract: What is Insomnia? What Causes Insomnia? How to Sleep? This article addresses these questions, offers helpful non-medicine treatment strategies and 12 tips to set up a good night sleep. Part 1.
Rating: 56 votes Average rating: 3.0
Author: Metamorpheus, posted on 7/14/2012, in category "Health & Fitness"
Views: this blog has been read 9057 times     Languages:
Abstract: What is ulcer, causes to ulcer, how to detect ulcer, symptoms and treatment.
Rating: 16 votes Average rating: 3.0
Author: Metamorpheus, posted on 1/16/2012, in category "Health & Fitness"
Views: this blog has been read 5155 times     Languages:
Abstract: What is Insomnia? What Causes Insomnia? How to Sleep? This article addresses these questions, offers helpful non-medicine treatment strategies and 12 tips to set up a good night sleep. Part 2.
Rating: 0 votes (Not rated)
Author: Tim, posted on 6/14/2012, in category "Health & Fitness"
Views: this blog has been read 3561 times     Languages:
Abstract: How I cured fibromyalgia, control it, and the power I found as a result of this experience.