Simply Ghost
Rating: 1 vote(s) Average rating: 3.0
Abstract: The P.L.A.N is a software designed to help ghost hunters and paranormal investigators in storing and keeping track of the information they have collected during their pursuit

In a time and age where storing information has never been easier, there's no reason that ghost hunters and paranormal investigators should be left behind. However, keeping track of photographs, interviews and equipment while simultaneously having every team members phone number and other important information at your fingertips and at the same time maintaining a professional appearance for the client can be quite a headache. Luckily Dennis Batchelor, who has been ghost hunting and paranormal investigating for over 30 years, saw the need for a software that could help keep track of all the necessary information for a successful ghost hunt. The P.L.A.N software can help you store pivotal information such as photographs, equipment lists and recordings, as well as all the important details regarding the investigation team (such as e-mail, cell number, number of investigations and certification level). The program even enables customization of cover letters, logos and color options. Everything, of course, may be password protected and there is a video supported web page to help the user with any problems that may come up while using the software. So if you are a ghost hunter or a paranormal investigator- or even if you're just an amateur looking where to start- make sure that the P.L.A.N is part of your ghost hunting plan.

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