The Art Of Covert Hypnosis
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Abstract: Study the secrets of Covert Hypnosis. Covert Hypnosis is an unconventional method in which one can hypnotize just about anybody without their knowledge and receive astonishing results.

Most people are familiar with conventional hypnosis in which people undergo a hypnosis session that makes a clear and blunt change in their behavior. But there is another type of hypnosis, one which is forbidden for use in advertisement. This method is called "Covert Hypnosis" and it allows control over people's behavior without their knowledge. With a short, concise and effective course you can become in an amazingly short time, a master of covert hypnosis. Covert Hypnosis can be used to instantly attract people around you, easily sell products and services, and to project authority and Charisma to audiences and general surroundings. Learn how to use eye contact, body language and verbal signals to completely dominate your surroundings, the results are outright astonishing. Imagine convincing someone that they are attracted to you, receiving low prices on anything you buy, or being in complete control of any conversation. All will be possible with close study of these truly remarkable techniques. This course may allow you to be confident and proficient with the use of covert hypnosis in any situation you may encounter.

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